Positive Masculinities < Go back

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What we aim to achieve

To establish a baseline to understand what men and boys think about masculinity: what are the actual norms and expectations? 

Over time, we want to learn about what does (and does not) shift attitudes and behaviours towards positive masculinity, including within different age groups. 

Ultimately, through the learning from our practical social innovation work, we want to change the ‘system conditions’ within populations, communities and agencies, by drawing on the positive aspects of masculinity, so that men and boys are a key part of the solution, at least as much as women and girls. 

We want to find different, more effective solutions, so that there is a sustained and substantial reduction in gender-based violence.

What we do

Through listening to what boys and men think about masculinity, the project has built a clearer understanding about the opportunities and challenges around positive masculinities, helping to inspire new ideas. 

Our learning about key lenses on masculinity and our consequent theory of change is laid out in the Our Lenses report. 

From this, we have developed several ideas to be tested to see what does – and does not – affect male thinking and behaviours. We will refine our ides, so that they can be developed and tested in practice with men and boys in different communities and neighbourhoods. 

With our developing understanding of what does – and does not – affect male thinking and behaviour, including with regard to reducing gender-based violence, the longer-term project will then seek to progress through the four subsequent stages of innovation: 

  • Making the case: We will make the case that our idea works better than what is already there, helping to attract the support of others. We will outline a strategy and make the case for the approaches that appear to work, in order to attract wider support, with a view towards eventual spread and adoption across Greater Manchester. 
  • Delivering and implementing: We will move the idea from concept to reality. We will focus on embedding an innovation into everyday practice, which might involve cultural and behavioural, as well as organisational, shifts. 
  • Growing and spreading: We will use strategies to spread and grow the innovation. We will seek access to funding, advice, networks and new opportunities for this. 
  • Changing systems: We will seek long-term changes, including interventions that drive the interaction of many elements and new ways of thinking. This might involve changing entire systems or developing new ones.

Where we operate

Bolton and Salford

Who is eligible

All boys above eight years old and all male adults.

Who to Contact

Jaiden Corfield (Project Manager)

 Contact details below.