Co-production for Health and Well-Being < Go back

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photo of group participants with project leader and decision makerspicture of the front of the Your Good Home Magazine

What we aim to achieve

To bring together local people and professionals to co-produce innovative local solutions to address four key determinants of health and well-being in the Locality Plan:

  • future prosperity (tackling child poverty)
  • healthy environment (tackling climate breakdown)
  • making time for each other (tackling loneliness and social isolation)
  • looking out for each other (preventing suicide) 

Having co-produced their local solutions, the group will come together to co-design these for practical implementation.

What we do

We first engaged a group of diverse young adults from across Salford with experience of homelessness, temporary accommodation and housing services. 

Over two years, the group have used their experience to design change for other people in similar situations. 

The group first explored the issues and formed their own agenda over six months. The fundamental aim that emerged was to provide stability and security for children and families. The group’s two priorities to achieve this were enjoyable work and good homes, for each of which they created a clear vision and aims. 

The group then invited senior decision-makers (from health, housing, planning and skills and work) to work with them for one year to co-produce short-term and long-term solutions to each issue. 

Having got support for their proposals from Salford Health and Wellbeing Board, the group of local people and decision-makers co-designed practical solutions. 

On enjoyable work, in the short-term, the group tested recruitment and selection processes of large local employers. For the long-term, the group produced a series of ideas for employers on inclusive recruitment: accessing the untapped potential of unemployed young adults. 

On good homes, in the short-term, the group produced Your Good Home, a magazine that inspires people on a low income to create a good home. For the long-term, the group produced Good Homes in Good Places, a proposal for a Homes Strategy that reflects on their experiences. A full-detailed version of this is available on request.

Where we operate


Who is eligible

All young adults resident in Salford.

Who to Contact

Laura Edwards (Co-production Facilitator)

Please use contact details below

Who invests in us